Torneo di Spada 2023 – English

Deutsche Version

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1 Event, 2 Days, 3 Tournaments & 4 Workshops

Eventlocation: Sporthalle OSZ Technik 1 (Ulanenweg, 14469 Potsdam)

Single Sidesword (DDHF-Ranking & HEMA-Ratings)
You can even participate without bringing a steel sidesword. If so, you’ll be placed in the nylon pool. For the finals we will provide steel loaners. If you however to bring your own sidesword, you can of course use it.

Sidesword Beginner (No Rating)
A category for people with less than 2 years of HEMA expierence in any weapon and less than 2 HEMA tournament participations with any weapon. The tournament will be fought with nylon swords by Black Fencer.

Sidesword & Companion Weapons (No Rating)
A mixed weapons tournament, where you will fight with sidesword & rotella, sidesword & buckler, sidesword & dagger, sidesword & cape and 2 sideswords… this will be fun! 🙂 The (nylon) weapons will be provided by Black Fencer.

Rules, English version:

Workshops on Sunday

Spada e Rotella: I Spy with My Little Eye!

Big shields have always been a part of historical conflicts. They provide reliable secondary protection on the battlefield and serve as a formidable obstacle that is difficult to overcome.

Our goal will be to optimize the defensive benefits of this weapon combination, as well as identify and exploit its weaknesses, following the teachings of Antonio Manciolino and Achille Marozzo from 16th century Bologna.

Minimum required equipment includes a mask, neck protection, and light gloves, as well as a one-handed sword (a small number of sidesword simulators are available if needed). A fencing jacket and/or chest protector and sturdy hand protection are recommended.

The number of available spots will depend on the availability of loaner rotella. Alternatively, this workshop can also be conducted with a strapped medium-sized shield (Heater etc.).

About the instructor: [link]

If a cut lands, and nobody sees it, did it really happen?
Yeah, its really this guy!

The Early Days of Destreza

La Verdadera Destreza is a system that is usually associated with the 17th Century and the works of such masters as Pacheco, Ettenhard or Rada. But the coiner of “Verdadera Destreza” as a term was Jerónimo Sánchez de Carranza, who published his magnum opus On the Philosophy of Arms and their Destreza and Christian Defence and Aggression in 1569, and he was already a practitioner of the fencing arts in the middle of the 16th century. In this workshop we will examine some of the concepts of this Early Destreza, in which the famous cup hilt rapiers of the 17th century were not invented yet, but the central tenets of the theory were already in place. This theoretical system can be used to understand fencing from any different schools, and examine their propositions to assess their “true” or “defence-based” value.

Equipment: min. Fencing mask, light gloves & a sidesword

About the instructor: Lorenzo started out in historical fencing in 2011 in Madrid as a student of the Escuela Madrileña de Esgrima Histórica, where he learnt to use the rapier following the Verdadera Destreza style. He also practised intensely with the longsword and with sword and buckler at the same school. In 2015 he moved to Warsaw and, not finding any rapier school in the city, became an instructor at the ARMA-PL fencing school. He has been teaching there since then. He maintains a broad interest in Destreza as applied to different contexts, against different schools. Being an instructor for fencers with little knowledge of rapier (much less Verdadera Destreza) has allowed (or forced, depending on the view) to rely on sources which, as a native Spanish and Italian speaker, he’s lucky enough to read in the original form. He travels extensively, and has been doing workshops in Poland and abroad. He does not care much for tournaments, but he competes occasionally. In 2022 he won three silvers, in the Valkyrie tournament in Wrocław and in the Torneo di Spada 2022 in Potsdam (single sword, and sword and buckler).

A workshop for control freaks!

Building up the Pressure! – Stringere in the Bolognese Sources

Hitting your opponent without getting hit in return is one of the main challenges of any martial art, but historical fencing especially. The Bolognese sources give us several options on how to approach an opponent. One of these is called stringere – constraining your opponent while putting on tactical pressure on them. In this workshop we will learn and practice the Bolognese way to perform stringere and how it relates to later rapier fencing.

Equipment: Fencing mask, light gloves & a sword, preferable a jacket or chest protector.

About the instructor: [link]

Think structurally, act systematically

Moving away from combinations of postures and counter-postures, and from plays and techniques, towards understanding the underlying principles. Without having to go through all plays, in this workshop you will receive a tool that you can use to work across systems in any situation. We will look beyond mere openings and analyze the opponent for structural weaknesses. After a successful analysis, we will use the insights to strengthen our own position and thus create an advantage for ourselves. First with a focus on dynamic footwork and then with optimal placement of the blade. What comes after is in the plays.

Equipment: Fencing mask, light gloves, and a sidesword, preferably a jacket or chest protector. Basically, you can also work with a long sword.

About the instructor: Stefan began smallsword fencing in Passau in 2011, reluctantly switching to the rapier after his move to Vienna, where he decided to stay. Later, his interest in the Italian longsword and sidesword grew, leading him to extensively engage with the Bolognese sources, seeing them as precursors to the rapier for a deeper understanding. His focus is on Italian sources from the 16th century, which the trained historian translates from the original for his club Sprezzatura in Vienna and prepares for training.

Stefan Feichtinger


Ground IGround IIGround III
9:15 – 10:00Gear CheckWarm-Up
10:15 – 12:15Sidesword BeginnerOpen – Ground
12:15 – 13:15Lunch
13:15 – 16:00Sidesword OpenOpen – Ground
16:00 – 17:30Sidesword & Companion
17:30-18:00Ceremony & Clean-Up
19:00Social Event – Dinner
Time table Day 1
Ground IGround IIGround III
9:00Entrance & Warm-Up
9:15 – 10:45Workshop: Stefan FeichtingerOpen Ground
10:45 – 12:15Open GroundWorkshop: Martin Höppner
12:15 – 13:15Lunch
13:15- 14:45Workshop: Lorenzo BraschiOpen Ground
14:45- 16:15Open GroundWorkshop: Stephan Eickelmann
16:15 – 17:30Open-Ground & Discussion
Time table Day 2

Sidesword / Meyer Rappier / Early Rapier  

  • Blade length — 80 cm – 95 cm (including ricasso) 
  • Blade geometry — Point needs to be tipped / min. 1 cm diameter. Blade width at the crossguard max. 5 cm.
  • Total length — max. 115cm 
  • Lenght Crossguard — 10 cm – 30 cm. Fingerring and knucklebow are allowed, not complete baskets though.
  • Mass — 0,9kg – 1,2kg 
  • Flexibility — max. 10kg

Protective Equipment

Not getting hit!

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