Torneo di Spada 2024 – English

Deutsche Version

1 Event, 2 Days, Tournaments & Workshops

Eventlocation: Sporthalle OSZ Technik 1 (Ulanenweg, 14469 Potsdam)

(full/waiting list avalible) Sidesword-Open (Ranked DDHF-Sidesword mixed)
You can even participate without bringing a steel sidesword. If so, you’ll be placed in the nylon pool. For the finals we will provide steel loaners. If you however to bring your own sidesword, you can of course use it.

Sidesword-Women+ (Ranked DDHF-Sidesword Woman)
You can even participate without bringing a steel sidesword. If so, you’ll be fighting with nylons. For the finals we will provide steel loaners. If you however to bring your own sidesword, you can of course use it.

A category for people with less than 2 years of HEMA expierence in any weapon and less than 2 HEMA tournament participations with any weapon. The tournament will be fought with nylon swords by Black Fencer.

A tournament where you will fight with a side sword, cape, rotella, buckler, dagger, and even 2 swords in mixed teams. Each team consists of a spot for ladies, gentlemen, and open category respectively.

Rules, English version:
Bolognese Rules
DDHF Ruleset

Workshops on Saturday & Sunday

Fabio with a sidesword

„Do it like the italians… the importance of knowing when to strike“

The first thing everyone wanna do when given a sword is swing it, but there’s a time and place! The first problem a HEMA practitioner must face is “when should I strike to avoid being hit?” In this workshop we’re gonna examine what the italian sidesword master says about the “tempo del ferire” which roughly translate into the right times to strike. We’ll rapidly check what Marozzo and Dall’Agocchie taught us and apply it to the modern HEMA competitive scene with a simple and realistical approach.

Gear: Sidesword. Mask and Gloves. Full sparing protection will also help but is optional.

Level: Basic understanding on how to fight with a sidesword.

About the instructor: Fabio Lottero started HEMA in 2019 with his club Sala della Gorgone in Genoa, Italy. Coming from a background in Chinese martial arts, having practiced kung fu and kickboxing for 15 years, he has always had a competitive mindset. As a HEMA practitioner, Fabio studies Bolognese fencing, following Achille Marozzo’s “Opera Nova Chiamata Duello” (1535) and Antonio Manciolino’s “Opera Nova per Imparare a Combattere” (1831). In his club, it is customary to attend tournaments in the CSEN circuit with sidesword, longsword, and sabre. Last year, he ranked fifth in the national sidesword ranking. This year, he achieved second place in the national ranking for longsword and won the Totentanz tournament in Reggio Emilia, a prestigious team tournament in Italy for sidesword, spear, and longsword.

„Lets twist again, like we did last duel – on the use of hips, shoulders and twists“

One of the things that is really easy to miss when studying historical
manuscipts, is the way our hips, feet and shoulders can completely
change how a technique works. In this workshop we will explore a couple
of examples, covering a number of sources, including all-stars like
Fabris, Marozzo and Thiabult.

Gear: Weapon of choice – preferably one-handed. Dagger is very optional.
Mask and gloves. Chest protection.

Level: Its good if you know the basics of moving around with a weapon.

About the instructor: Victoria is teaching HEMA in Københavns Fægteklub
the largest HEMA club in Denmark . She has been fascinated with swords
ever since she could pick up a stick without poking her eye out, and
has been doing HEMA for the last 15 or so years with emphasis on the
rapier (and a little longsword on the side). Her main interests are in
Salvator Fabris and Thibault D’Anvers, but really any fencing that
departs from the conventional and well-tested path, has dirty tricks,
pocket sand, beer mugs or just looks cool.

Vicky with a sword

Martin with sword and popsicle
Stephan with a sword

Bolognese something something…


Gear: Minimum required equipment includes a mask, neck protection, and light gloves, as well as a one-handed sword (a small number of sidesword simulators are available if needed). A fencing jacket and/or chest protector and sturdy hand protection are recommended.

Level: Its good if you know the basics of moving around with a weapon.

About the instructors: [link]


Ground IGround IIGround III
8:30- 9:15RegistrationWarm-Up
9:30 – 10:45Sidesword BeginnerOpen – Ground
10:45 – 12:30Sidesword Ladys+
12:30 – 13:15Lunch
13:15 – 16:45Sidesword OpenOpen – Ground
16:45 – 18:15Workshop*: Martin Höppner or Stephan Eickelmann
*Depending on the progress of the tournaments,the workshop may be rescheduled to Sunday from 4:15 PM to 5:45 PM.
18:15-18:45Ceremony & Clean-Up
19:30Social Bar – Pizza
Day 1

Ground IGround IIGround III
8:30Entrance & Warm-Up
9:00 – 12:15Sidesword Team (Pools are running sequential)
12:15 – 13:30Lunch
13:30 – 15:00Workshop**: Victoria Chudinov
**Depending on the progress of the tournaments, the times may be delayed by up to 30 minutes.
Open Ground
15:00 – 16:30 Workshop**: Fabio Lottero
**Depending on the progress of the tournaments, the times may be delayed by up to 30 minutes.
16:30 – 17:45Open-Ground & Discussion
Day 2

Sidesword / Meyer Rappier / Early Rapier  

  • Sword specifications: Only side swords, Meyer rappiers, or early rapiers are allowed. The number of guard elements follows the standard for side swords (cross, 2 finger rings, knuckle bow, small D-ring on the side) or Meyer rapiers (large D-ring on the side, knuckle bow).
  • Blade: blunt, 80cm – 95cm length (including ricasso, up to the guard)
  • Point: The point must be securely covered with an appropriate tip.
  • Overall length: max. 115cm
  • Mass: between 0.9kg and 1.2kg
  • Flexibility: max. 10kg

Protective Equipment

Not getting hit!

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