Torneo di Spada 2025 – English

Deutsche Version

Date: 1st & 2nd February 2025

1 Event, 2 Days, Tournaments & Workshops

Eventlocation: Sporthalle Kurfürstenstraße (Kurfürstenstraße 48, 14467 Potsdam)

Registration [link]


Sidesword-Open (Ranked)
You can even participate without bringing a steel sidesword. If so, you’ll be placed in the nylon pool. For the finals we will provide steel loaners. If you however bring your own sidesword, you can of course use it.

Sidesword-Women+ (Ranked)
You can even participate without bringing a steel sidesword. If so, you’ll be fighting with nylons. For the finals we will provide steel loaners. If you however bring your own sidesword, you can of course use it.

Workshop Sidesword: Pavle: Fencing in the mezza spada


Rapier-Open (Ranked)
Please bring your own Rapier. 😉

Rapier-Women+ (Ranked)
Please bring your own Rapier. 😉

Workshop Rapier: Marcjanna: Tactical advantage of handsnipes

Workshops & Timetable:

Ground IGround IIGround III
8:15- 9:15RegistrationWarm-Up
9:15 – 9:30Welcome & Rules
9:30 – 13:45Sidesword Pool Stage
9:30Open 1Open 2Open 3
11:15Woman+free fencing
12:30Open Final Qualification Pool*
13:45 – 14:15Sidesword Finals
Finals Woman+
Finals Open
14:15 – 15:00Lunch break
15:15 – 16:45Sidesword Workshop: Pavle IlijasevicFencing in the mezza spadafree fencing
16:45 – 18:15Workshop**: Martin Höppner or Stephan Eickelmann
**Depending on the progress of the tournaments,the workshop may be rescheduled to Sunday or postponed.
18:15 – 18:45Clean-Up
19:30Social Kneipe & Pizza
*The top 10 participants from the first pool phase compete in this round to qualify for the small and grand finals
Ground IGround IIGround III
8:15- 9:15RegistrationWarm-Up
9:15 – 9:30Welcome & Rules
9:30 – 13:45Rapier Pool Stage
9:30Open 1Open 2Open 3
11:15Woman+free fencing
12:30Open Final Qualification Pool*
13:45 – 14:15Rapier Finals
Finals Woman+
Finals Open
14:15 – 15:00Lunch break
15:15 – 16:45Rapier Workshop: Marcjanna Jelińska Tactical advantage of handsnipesfree fencing
16:45 – 18:15free fencing
18:15 – 19:00Clean-Up & Farewell
*The top 10 participants from the first pool phase compete in this round to qualify for the small and grand finals

Marcjanna Jelińska

Rapier: Tactical advantage of handsnipes

As per definition, counter-time is the action taken by the initially attacking person to prevent the counter-attack of the opponent. We can easily understand it is an action performed with a second intention, however we still need to take the initiative and provoke the opponent in the first place. A really good choice for that might be a shallow target like the hand or the leg. To be able to execute the full technique, we will first go through a series of practical exercises that will help us explore the tactical cycle.

Equipment: Rapier and dagger, full protective gear (mask, SOLID GLOVES, jacket, leg protectors)

Previous experience: Having an intermediate level in rapier would be recommended, as we will discuss advanced tactical scenarios (and the participants will need the abilities to execute those technically)

Bio: Fencing instructor, linguist, cultural animator and musician (mainly folk violinist). Fencing passionate since an early age, she started sport fencing as a child, practicing foil for a few years. Although born in Poland, she finished most of her education in France, including studies at the Sorbonne University in Paris. It was only later that she began her adventure with Polish HEMA , visiting almost every fencing club in Wrocław, gathering knowledge from different instructors since 2016. For many years as an unaffiliated fencer, she has been competing in Polish HEMA tournaments in all available weapons (Longsword, Saber, Rapier and Dagger, Sword and Buckler, Smallsword), although not without international successes at big tournaments like Swordfish or Tyrnhaw. In rapier, mainly self-taught, however with a competitive level, winning also prizes in Open categories, she compiles the knowledge coming from her experience in HEMA with modern fencing methodology. In 2022 she joined the club Akademia Szermierzy (Warsaw), as a student, and shortly after as a rapier instructor. Currently studying to become a sport fencing coach.

Sidesword: Fencing in the mezza spada

Fencing in the mezza spada is the foundation of the Art of the old masters, and one that cannot be done safely without cleverness and great skill. This workshop will explore the methods and principles of entering and engaging the opponent in the mezza spada as presented by the Anonimo Bolognese with the single sword. The Anonimo focuses on controlling the opponents motions through skilled use of the sword,  positions and grabs of the off-hand and not allowing your sword to be found when it is not to your advantage.

Recommended level of experience: Intermediate Participants should be familiar with the terminology of Bolognese system of strikes and guards.

Gear: Full gear

Bio: Pavle began his journey in HEMA 10 years ago in 2014, and has passionately studied the art of the Italian single sword since. Focusing primarily on the Sidesword, but also dipping into the Rapir and Smallsword, he eventually made his way to become the head Sidesword instructor at Terca – the School of European Swordplay from Belgrade, Serbia.  His teaching (and by extension, fencing) is based on the Bolognese tradition, particularly on the teachings of the Anonimo Bolognese as the maestro with most comprehensive and extensive plays for the sword alone. However, Pavle is more than willing to discuss any system, style and weapon combination to great lengths, for he has approximate knowledge of many things. But he still prefers the blade one handed and unaccompanied – after all, you might leave your home without a dagger or buckler, but you would never leave your sword behind!

Pavle Ilijasevic

Rules, English version:
Bolognese Rules
DDHF Ruleset

Rule Adjustments & Examples

For both disciplines:

  • Starting from the knockout rounds, at least two undamaged weapon engagements must be completed to win the match. Example: After 5 rounds, both fencers have each completed 2 undamaged weapon engagements and one double hit— in this case, the score decides. However, if after 5 rounds Person A has one undamaged weapon engagement and Person B has none, additional rounds will be fought until one person reaches two undamaged weapon engagements.
  • Video Evidence (only in the knockout rounds): Both fencers have the right to challenge one decision made by the referees through video evidence. If the challenge is upheld, the referees will correct their decision, and the person who filed the challenge will be allowed one more challenge. If the challenge is rejected, the person who filed the challenge will no longer have the right to challenge any further decisions for the remainder of the match.
    • It is the responsibility of the fencers to provide video evidence. This can be done using smartphones, tablets, or similar devices that allow for immediate access to the video.
    • The fencers must arrange for someone to film the match before it begins. The person filming must not obstruct the referees‘ view and must follow the instructions of the referees and the table.
    • The referees cannot request video evidence unless a challenge is made. If a challenge is filed, the referees may access both videos in order to gain a neutral view of the situation.
  • Free (symmetric!) choice of weapons
    • For the side sword discipline, the options are:
      • Side sword alone
      • Side sword & buckler
      • Side sword & dagger
    • For rapier, the available weapons are:
      • Rapier alone
      • Rapier & dagger
    • In case of disagreement regarding the weapon choice, the match will be fought with side sword alone or rapier alone, respectively.
  • Valid hits & Safety
    • Valid hits are hits that make a substantial contact with the edge or the point. Draw- and push-cuts have to be clearly visible and purposeful. Examples:
      • Hits with the flat of the blade. Not valid.
      • Strikes without a proper arch. Not valid.
      • Missed thrusts (passé), that make some contact. Not valid.
      • Hits that barely make it through a parry by force, bounce or wrist extension. Not valid.
      • All strikes while falling. Not valid.
      • Light touch with good form and structure, because the opponent was wide open. Valid.
    • Uncontrolled or dangerous fencing will be punished by warning, scoring and disqualification if not addressed properly. Examples:
      • Kicks, throws and disarms.
      • Hits to the back or the back of the head, if it is avoidable.
      • Endangering yourself, e.g. by turning your back / back of the head towards opponent.
      • Striking through the opponent with full blows with intention.
      • Striking hard, especially if opponent is uncovered (e.g. due to a wrestling action).
      • Easy rule of thumb: If it will probably leave a bruise, it was too hard.

For Rapier:

  • Adjustment of scoring:
    • 3 points for thrusts to the head or torso
    • 2 points for cuts and strikes to the head
    • 1 point for all other target zones

Sidesword / Meyer Rappier / Early Rapier  

  • Sword specifications: Only side swords, Meyer rappiers, or early rapiers are allowed. The number of guard elements follows the standard for side swords (cross, 2 finger rings, knuckle bow, small D-ring on the side) or Meyer rapiers (large D-ring on the side, knuckle bow).
  • Length of the Crossguard: Must be between 10 cm and 30 cm.
  • Blade: blunt, 80cm – 95cm length (including ricasso, up to the guard)
  • Overall length: max. 115cm
  • Tip: The tip must be additionally secured with a suitable blunt tip protector, with a minimum diameter of 1.5 cm. The material must glide off a fencing mask and must not have sharp edges.
  • Mass: between 0.9kg and 1.2kg
  • Bending Behavior: The blade must visibly bend under a test weight of 10 kg.

Rapier / Renaissance Rapier

  • Sword Form: Italian (basket) and Spanish (cup) rapiers are permitted. Thrusts through the basket hilt do not count.
  • Length of the Crossguard: The length of the crossguard must be between 12 cm and 30 cm.
  • Blades: Blunt blades, ranging from 95 cm to 130 cm in length (measured to the crossguard). Triangular blades (e.g., Musketeer’s blades) are not permitted.
  • Total Length: The total length of the weapon must not exceed 140 cm.
  • Tip: The tip must be additionally secured with a suitable blunt tip protector, with a minimum diameter of 1.5 cm. The material must glide off a fencing mask and must not have sharp edges.
  • Weight: The total weight of the weapon must be between 0.9 kg and 1.3 kg.
  • Bending Behavior: The blade must visibly bend under a test weight of 10 kg.

Parrying Dagger

  • Dagger Form: For side sword, only daggers with max. 1 D-Ring without a sail / basket (guard) are permitted, while for rapier, both with and without a sail / basket are allowed. Blade catchers on the dagger blade are not permitted.
  • Length of the Crossguard: The length of the crossguard must be between 8 cm and 30 cm.
  • Blade Length: The length of the blade must not exceed 55 cm.
  • Total Length: The total length of the weapon must not exceed 70 cm.
  • Tip: The tip must be additionally secured with a suitable blunt tip protector, with a minimum diameter of 1.5 cm. The material must glide off a fencing mask and must not have sharp edges.
  • Weight: The total weight of the sidearm must be between 0.4 kg and 1.2 kg.
  • Bending Behavior: The blade must visibly bend under a test weight of 15 kg.


  • Diameter: The diameter of the shield’s body must not exceed 42 cm.
  • Buckler Form: The body must have a circular disc shape and may have a curvature (convex, concave, or both).
  • Protruding Parts: The edge of the shield may have a raised rim. Other protruding parts, such as knuckle protectors, are not allowed.
  • Material: The shield must be made of metal or plastic. A combination of different materials (e.g., wood, leather/rawhide, and metal) is not regulated and must be separately approved by the tournament organizers.
  • Material of the Buckler Handle: The handle can be made of metal, wood, plastic, etc., and does not need to match the material of the shield body.

Protective Equipment

Not getting hit!

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